
[Skyrim] 同時成為吸血鬼與狼人的方法

play as Vampire Lord or Werewolf both at the same time

大多數人在解了吸血鬼 或者 狼人之後 如果要解另外一邊的任務
就會被 NPC 強迫必須要轉化 才能夠獲得變身以及解任務

如果變成吸血鬼之後 再去解狼人
狼人的血 會強迫覆蓋掉吸血鬼的

之後 可能會發生一些狀況讓你永遠無法變成吸血鬼
或者必須要先從狼人變回人類之後 才有可能

Vampire Lord and Werewolf Hybrid by OregonPete

Have you ever thought it was unfair that you had to play as either a Vampire Lord or a Werewolf, but you couldn't be both at the same time? Well Molag Bal and Hircine are in for a big surprise, because it seems the Dragonborn's blood is strong enough to handle it. Or in other words, installing this mod will make it possible. ;) 
What This Mod Does
This mod allows you to keep the beast blood you received during the Companions quest line as well as the gift of the Vampire Lord you received from either Lord Harkon or Serana. If you've already completed both the Companions quest line and the Dawnguard quest line and have already been cured of the one or the other, you can return to either Aela to be re-gifted with Lycanthropy or to Serana to be re-gifted with Sanguinare Vampiris without being cured of the other. 
What This Mod Does NOT Do 
This mod doesn't create any new races or abilities or change how you become a vampire or werewolf in any way. You still need to go through the regular quest lines to become both.

這個 MOD 應該是目前最好的


而不需要使用道具 或者 任務 指令等等之類的東西

並且也相容於 Better Vampires 這個 Mod



Q: 如果已經失去了吸血鬼血統怎麼辦?
A: 你可以去找瑟拉娜將你轉化回吸血鬼,但是可能因為某些其他狀況導致無法出現對話選項而無法變回吸血鬼

所以推薦還是在變成狼人之前 就先安裝

或者 尋找指令變回吸血鬼 lol

(nK) -HYBRID- Be Both Vampire Lord and Werewolf by niKoula


